
5 ways to lose weight by controlling your diet without taking pills.

When it comes to weight loss, many people often think that what they need to do is to exercise hard or fast to reduce their weight. However, doing this is more harmful to the body than to improve health [1] and may cause a yo-yo effect. Eating properly, with all 5 food groups in the right amounts, is an important guideline to help you lose weight effectively and without harming your body.


In this article, CHILLBOX will introduce 5 ways to lose weight through various forms of eating that can be practiced, along with getting to know probiotics that help with weight loss.


Introducing 5 Ways to Control Weight by Controlling Food

  1. 1. Doing IF (Intermittent Fasting)

Doing IF or Intermittent Fasting means stopping eating for a period of time. I (Intermittent) means controlling calories. F (Fasting) means limiting the time to eat. This method is considered one of the weight loss methods that is popular worldwide. It does not focus on the type of food. But it emphasizes the time to eat. For example, IF 16/8 means eating food within 8 hours and fasting for 16 hours continuously.

Which restricts the time to eat makes the amount of calories received per day decrease. Which ultimately results in weight loss. The advantages and disadvantages of doing IF are as follows:


Benefits of IF

  • Weight loss[5][6] – Since growth hormone (HGH) increases during IF, the body burns more fat and builds muscle more efficiently.
  • Reduces insulin resistance[7][8] – IF can reduce blood sugar levels by about 3-6% and helps the body respond to insulin better, which is beneficial in preventing type 2 diabetes. 
  • Promotes heart health[9] – Research has shown that IF helps reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), triglycerides, inflammation in the blood (Inflammatory Marker) and blood sugar levels, all of which are causes of various heart diseases.
  • Slows aging[10][11] – From experiments, it was found that mice that ate IF lived 36-83% longer than mice that ate normally. Eating IF puts the body in a mode of saving metabolism, using energy and reducing the use of organs in the body. And adjust the time to be ready to use when eating only when necessary And restore the body more efficiently Reduce the deterioration of the body's organs, causing Reduce the risk of various diseases and slow down aging

Disadvantages of doing IF

  • Feeling uncomfortable at first[12] – Some people may feel tired, have no concentration, get irritated or have anxiety when they start doing IF, which is caused by low blood sugar levels.
  • Increased appetite[13] – When restricting the time of eating, the brain mechanism tends to make the body want more food, which may cause some people to accidentally eat more than necessary.
  • Not suitable for some groups of people[13][14] – Pregnant women, breastfeeding women, young children, the elderly, and those with malnutrition are not suitable for weight loss with IF because fasting for several hours can affect the health of people in this group, such as fetuses not getting enough nutrients. As for children of reproductive age who fast, it may cause some sex hormones to decrease.


  1. Ketogenic Diet

ทานคีโต (Ketogenic Diet)-Keto
Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet is a diet that focuses on good fats, moderate protein and low carbohydrates. It is also known as a low-carb diet. In general, the keto diet is characterized by the following foods [16]


Good fats - 70%

All types of protein - 20%  

Carbohydrates - may be limited to 10% of food eaten throughout the day.

The purpose of eating keto is to put the body's metabolism into a state of ketosis.


What is ketosis?

Ketosis is a type of metabolism in which the body burns fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. This condition occurs only when we reduce the amount of carbohydrates, which limits the production of glucose, causing the body to turn to burning fat instead. While the body burns fat, ketones are created, which the body uses as energy to replace the lost carbohydrates.

By not eating carbohydrates or eating very little, the body will think that we are fasting. Therefore, more fat is drawn out from the body for use. This is the reason why weight loss can be achieved even when eating a lot of fat.


Benefits of Keto Diet

  • Lose weight fast[18] – Of course, the keto diet can help you lose weight quickly by stimulating fat burning, which is as effective as a low-fat diet.[19]
  • Reduce blood sugar levels[20][21] – The keto diet, which restricts carbohydrates to a very low level, results in lower blood insulin levels and helps the metabolism work better, which is very beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes because they do not have to take blood sugar-lowering drugs.
  • Reduce the risk of certain cancers[22] – The ketogenic diet lowers blood sugar, which reduces insulin levels, a hormone that stimulates cell growth in the body that may be linked to certain cancers, such as brain cancer. It also reduces the risk of complications caused by high blood insulin.
  • Reduce the risk of various diseases[23][24] – Many studies have found that the keto diet helps reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease.
  • Reduce acne[25] – Reducing carbohydrates lowers blood sugar, which helps reduce acne and helps brighten the face.

Disadvantages of Keto Diet

  • Keto Flu[26] – For those who are new to the keto diet, you may experience the keto flu, which can cause symptoms such as stomach pain, dizziness, fatigue, and mood swings. This is because your body is still adjusting to ketosis, and it also affects your body’s balance of minerals and fluids. It is recommended to add salt to your diet or take vitamin supplements, which will gradually improve over time.
  • Lack of certain nutrients[27] – The keto diet involves avoiding certain foods, such as vegetables and fruits, which can cause your body to lack certain essential minerals and vitamins. It is therefore necessary to take supplements.
  • Digestive and bowel problems[27] – Because you have to reduce your intake of certain foods, vegetables or fruits that contain both carbohydrates and fiber, you may experience irregular bowel movements and frequent constipation. Therefore, you should take supplements that contain fiber instead.
  • Loss of muscle mass[28] – The keto diet can help you lose weight quickly, but there is a chance that your body may also lose muscle mass due to a reduced protein intake, which can lead to muscle atrophy. Therefore, it is important to do your research before starting the keto diet.


  1. Vegan Diet [29] [30]


Vegan diet, or eating only vegetables, fruits, grains, seeds, nuts, and avoiding all types of meat or animal products, including eggs, milk, gelatin, and foods produced by animals such as honey, is considered a stricter form of eating than vegetarianism. In the United States, about 3% of the population [31] consider themselves vegan. Some people choose to eat this type of food to maintain their health, while others choose to eat it because they do not want to harm or promote animal cruelty. Veganism can be done in many ways, depending on the purpose, and can be done in conjunction with other weight loss methods, such as keto.


Advantages of vegan Diet

  • Lose weight and get a good figure[32][33]– Eating a diet that is mainly vegetables and fruits can help you lose weight very well. In addition, vegans have a slimmer body and a lower BMI (Body Mass Index). This is why veganism is popular among those who want to lose weight.
  • Get essential minerals and fibers for the body – Eating mainly vegetables, fruits, and grains allows the body to receive more minerals found in vegetables and fruits. Most importantly, it provides a high amount of fiber, which helps stimulate the digestive system and control weight.
  • Reduce the risk of various chronic diseases[34][35][36] – Many studies have found that eating a vegan diet reduces the risk of diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and some cancers, such as colon cancer, prostate cancer, and pancreatic cancer.

Disadvantages of vegan Diet

  • Lack of certain nutrients[37] – Vegans do not get protein from meat and are often at risk of vitamin B12 and iron deficiency, which are mainly found in meat, as well as vitamins B3, B2, vitamin D, calcium, and zinc. However, if the vegan diet plan is not appropriate It may also cause various diseases. It may affect mental health [38] [39] [40]
  • From a study report comparing people who do not eat meat and people who eat meat in terms of mental health, it was found that people who do not eat meat have a rate of depression in the period of 1 month, 12 months and throughout life as high as 7.4%, 24.1% and 35.2% respectively, while people who eat meat have a much lower rate of 6.3%, 11.9% and 19.1% respectively. In addition, focusing too much on eating healthy food may cause Orthorexia, a type of eating disorder in which patients will be concerned about food, consider and choose to eat only clean food too much, which may affect their health.


  1. Eating Dukan Diet to lose weight by focusing on eating protein [41] [42]

Dukan Diet

The Dukan Diet is a weight loss method that focuses on eating protein and calculating the amount of weight you want to lose with the time you have to eat Dukan. It will receive protein sources from various meats, fish, seafood, nuts and skim milk. And there is no need to fast at all. This eating method was invented in the 70s by Dr. Pierre Dukan, a French nutritionist. 


The Dukan Diet states that you must eat about 80% protein of all foods during the weight loss period. The weight loss period can take from 3 days to several weeks, depending on the weight loss goal. The principle of the Dukan Diet weight loss is divided into 4 phases (Phase) that are quite strict:

Attack Phase (1-7 days) - Emphasize eating lean protein such as chicken breast, fish, chicken eggs or lean meat. And should not use oil or butter for cooking. There is also a recommendation to eat about 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran to add fiber and minerals to the body.

Cruise Phase (1-12 months) – This is the longest period. It is about eating lean protein and adding non-starchy vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, and salad vegetables every other day to your meals. Eat about 2 tablespoons of oat bran per day.

Consolidation Phase (5 days per 1 pound or 454 grams of weight loss) – During this period, you can eat protein foods to your heart's content without limiting the source of protein. Eat vegetables and fruits every day.

Stabilization Phase (continuous) – This is the final period when your weight starts to reach your goal. You can eat in the Consolidation Phase or go back to eating normally, except for one day that must be a day for eating protein like in the Attack Phase, which has additional advice to exercise at least 20 minutes per day.







Advantages of the Dukan Diet

  • Lose weight quickly [43] – Eating foods that focus on a high proportion of protein can help you feel full longer because the stomach takes longer to digest protein than carbohydrates. It helps adjust blood sugar levels and inhibits the secretion of ghrelin hormone, which makes you not feel hungry often.
  • Set weight loss and control goals [41] – During the Cruise Phase, the weight loss is clearly visible, so it can help you reach your weight loss goals in a visual way. When you enter the Consolidation and Stabilization Phases, you will be able to control your weight to be in the appropriate range in the long term.
  • No need to fast [44] – Because the Dukan Diet focuses on eating protein with low fat, it has lower calories than other weight loss diets that require monitoring and counting calories, sometimes requiring skipping meals due to excess calories.

Disadvantages of the Dukan Diet

  • Very strict – Because the Dukan Diet has many limitations, such as eating only protein with low fat, the types of food must be eaten as recommended, must be eaten in the proportions clearly specified by each Phase, and must follow many requirements. This may confuse many people and cause them to be unable to follow it properly.
  • Not getting enough nutrients [45] – Restricting the food you eat to just protein can lead to a lack of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body, lack of vegetables that are sources of fiber, as well as lack of carbohydrates and good fats, which may lead to health problems and nutritional imbalances in the future.
  • High price [46] – The Dukong diet is a form of eating to lose weight that relies mainly on protein sources, such as meat, fish, chicken eggs, oat bran, etc., which are considered expensive foods. You have to eat them continuously according to the Dukong formula, so it requires a certain amount of budget. As a result, this method is not very popular because of the high cost.


  1. hCG Diet Weight Loss by Boosting Hormones[47]


The hCG Diet is a diet that contains Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone or takes supplements of this hormone during weight loss. hCG is a hormone that is present in high levels during pregnancy[48], which indicates that a woman is pregnant and is an important hormone for the growth of the baby. It is also a hormone used to treat infertility[49]. In addition, it has been referenced that hCG can help stimulate metabolism and break down fat without causing hunger[50][51].


The hCG Diet weight loss involves eating a very small amount of calories, only 500 calories per day, divided into 3 phases:

the_hcg_diet plan
the_hcg_diet plan


Loading Phase[52] – Start by taking hCG hormone supplements to increase this hormone in the body along with eating high-fat and high-calorie foods for 2 days.

Weight Loss Phrase[52] – This is the period when hCG hormone is taken continuously but food intake is limited to only 500 or 800 calories per day. This will take about 3-6 weeks, which is when the weight loss is most significant. 

Maintenance Phrase[52] – After reaching your goal weight loss, this is the time to gradually reduce your intake of hCG hormone while gradually increasing your calorie intake to around 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day for about 3 weeks.

During the hCG Diet, most people will only eat 2 meals per day and are advised to eat lean protein, vegetables, bread, fruit, and drink plenty of water, as well as avoid butter, oil, and sugar.

Advantages of of hCG

  • HCG supplements require very little lifestyle or eating changes compared to other weight loss methods that require much more strict diets or completely different lifestyle changes.[53]
  • hCG supplements can help reduce cravings, making you want to eat less and reducing your calorie intake according to your hCG weight loss goals.[53]

Disadvantages of hCG

  • Some brands of hCG supplements can cause allergic reactions, such as headaches, fatigue, drowsiness, or even depression.[47]
  • Some brands of hCG supplements can cause allergic reactions, such as headaches, fatigue, drowsiness, or even depression.[47]
  • The hCG weight loss method is not suitable for long-term weight loss because it has negative effects on the body's metabolism and hormone systems.[54]
  • The hCG weight loss method is not suitable for self-treatment. You should see a doctor regularly because it has many side effects that require a doctor to evaluate the symptoms.[53]


Thank you for reference
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] 
